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How it works

Glide lets users pay for a variety of on-chain transactions using any token on any chain. It provides simple APIs to integrate into your dapp or wallet.

Glide works by collecting a payment from the user in their preferred token and then making a sponsored traction on behalf of the user directly on-chain. This way, Glide can collect payment from the user on any chain and in any token, including fiat using credit/debit card payments.

High-level flow

  1. When the user wants to make a transaction, the dapp constructs the user transaction
  2. The dapp presents the user with a list of tokens they could pay in for this transaction
  3. The transaction is sent to Glide along with the user's preferred token to create a session
  4. Glide sends back an unsignedTransaction for the user to sign. This is the payment transaction in the user's preferred token
  5. The dapp presents the user with the unsignedTransaction to sign and then broadcasts it on-chain
  6. Finally, the dapp polls Glide for updates on the session as it waits for the payment to be received. Once received, Glide makes the sponsored transaction and provides the transaction hash back to the dapp

Use cases

  • Cross-token payments: Let users pay in any token they prefer, regardless of what the smart contract expects. If the contract expects ETH, but the user only has USDC balance, let them pay in USDC.
  • Cross-chain payments: Let users pay on any-chain, regardless of where the smart contract is deployed. If the contract is deployed on Zora, but the user only has balance on Base, let them pay on Base.
  • Alternate to on-ramp: When a user does not have the right tokens on the right chain to pay for a transaction, let them pay with what they already have instead of having them go through a lengthy on-ramp process.